膜基界面结合强度的测量与评价是金刚石薄膜制备与应用关键问题 ,本文介绍了国内外金刚石薄膜膜基界面结合强度的几种典型的测量方法 ,着重探讨了膜基界面结合强度的精确定量测量技术的研究现状以及发展趋势 ,提出了用一种新的内涨鼓泡测量法 ,对复杂形状基体上金刚石薄膜膜基界面结合强度进行精确定量检测 ,为金刚石薄膜的制备工艺优化及其质量的评估提供可靠的依据和标准。
Adhesion measurement is one of the key question for the fabrication and application of CVD diamond thin film. In this paper, some typical adhesion measurements on diamond thin films were introduced. And also, the research status and the development direction of adhesion measurements were discussed. A novel bulge-blister test was put forward for the adhesion measurement of diamond thin films deposited on complex-geometries substrate, which can give a foundation for the optimization of fabrication technics and a criterion for the evaluation on the quality of diamond thin films.
Diamond & Abrasives Engineering
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (5 0 0 0 5 013)