本文简要地叙述了传感器与传感技术的重要性和发展现状 ,指出微传感器是当今世界的发展潮流。声表面波传感器是微型物性型传感器的一个分支。由于它所特具的众多优点和广泛的应用前景 ,引起了世界各发达国家科技界、产业界的极大兴趣 ,成为近十年来研究的热点之一。本文着重叙述了声表面波传感器的主要特点以及它在各个领域中已经和可以预见的应用 。
This paper briefly surveys state of the art of sensor technique. It points out that micro-sensor is the hotspot in the world today. Surface acoustic wave sensor is one of the branches in the field micro-and-physical sensors. Due to its various advantages and wide application prospect, the scientific and industrial professionals especially in developed countries are working on it with great interest in recent decade. This paper describes the main characteristics and gives the applied examples in many field, therefore, its importance in information society is demonstrated.
World Sci-Tech R&D