MADM(Multiattribute Decision-making)是一类重要的决策问题。它是从备选方案集A=(a_1,a_2,…,a_n]中综合考察描述方案的各特性(d_(i1),d_(i2),…,d_(im)),从中选出最能满足目标集G的方案来。对于这种问题,大多数的方法是:
In the decision-making processes with the participation of experts ,there are many imprecise and unmeasurable factors .The traditional approaches can not deal with these factors which play a very important role in expert decision-making processes .This paper introduces ,in a kind of multiattribute decision-making (MADM) problems ,fuzzy sets to express the decision goals or constraints proposed by experts concerned. Based on the combination of the fuzzy approaches with the trabitional ones ,a synthetic approach is proposed .The concept of the satisfactory degree is also put forward and used as the basis of decision-making .The approach proposed in this paper is algorithmically simple and convenient for practical use .And finally the illustrative example shows the feaxibility of the proposed approach to the MADM problems.
Systems Engineering-Theory & Practice