对若干个不相关个体的FVⅢ基因进行了 4个基因内的RFLPs(BclI、HindⅢ、XbalⅠ、MspⅠ )及几个基因外的RFLPs(TaqⅠ、BstxⅠ、PstⅠ、AccⅠ )的研究 ,计算了FVⅢ基因内多态位点的杂合子频率 ,在内含子 2 2处 ,发现了两个额外的XbalⅠ多态位点。在FVⅢ基因外的DXS5 2区域 ,用探针St14- 1检测到两个TaqⅠ多态系统 ,并计算了杂合子频率。同时观察到在BclⅠ、XbalⅠ。
Four intragenic RFLPs(Bcl I,Hind Ⅲ,Xbal I,Msp I)and several extragenic RFLPs(Taq I,Bstx I,Pst I,Acc I)of the factor Ⅷ gene were studied in a number of unrelated population.The frequencies of heterozygous with factor Ⅷ gene were calculated .Two additional Xbal I polymorphisms in intron 22 were observed.With probe St14-1 and restriction enzyme Taq I,two systems were tested in the extragenic DXS52.Linkage disequilibrum to some degree among Bcl I,Xbal I,Msp I were observed.
Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity