Objective:To understand mental health of elderly women. Methods:124 elderly females, aged from 55-81, were assessed on the SCL-90. Results:The scores on Compulsion and Anxiety of the SCL-90 were higher for those with age above 65 than those below 65. The scores on Somatization, Compulsion, Interpersonal Sensitivity, Anxiety, Depression and Phobia were higher in widows than those in marriage. Conclusion:The mental health of elderly women, especially the widows with advancing age, required more attention from the society.
Objective:To understand mental health of elderly women. Methods:124 elderly females, aged from 55-81, were assessed on the SCL-90. Results:The scores on Compulsion and Anxiety of the SCL-90 were higher for those with age above 65 than those below 65. The scores on Somatization, Compulsion, Interpersonal Sensitivity, Anxiety, Depression and Phobia were higher in widows than those in marriage. Conclusion:The mental health of elderly women, especially the widows with advancing age, required more attention from the society.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology