目的 :报告 7例恶性淋巴瘤在自体外周血造血干细胞移植 (APBSCT)支持下接受超大剂量放、化疗的治疗经验 ,评价所用外周血造血干细胞 (PBSC)动员方案的动员效果 ,预处理方案的疗效和耐受性 ,以及移植后造血重建情况。方法 :7例淋巴瘤患者中 ,1例霍奇金病 ,6例非霍奇金淋巴瘤。动员方案为MOEP/CMOP化疗联合rhG -CSF ,预处理采用经典的超大剂量环磷酰胺 (CTX)化疗联合全身放疗 (TBI)。结果 :APBSCT动员后获得到单个核细胞 4.2 (2 .7~ 6 .1)× 10 8/kg,回输单个核细胞 3.7(2 .5~ 5 .3)× 10 8/kg ,中性粒细胞计数恢复到 >0 .5× 10 9/L的时间和血小板 >5 0× 10 9/L的时间分别平均为第 11.6天和第 14.6天。毒副作用主要为消化道反应。结论 :APBSCT治疗恶性淋巴瘤效果肯定 ,采用MOEP/CMOP联合rhG -CSF动员以及经典CTX加TBI方案预处理 ,安全可靠 ,治疗效果良好。
Objectives:To evaluate the efficacy of mobilization regimen, effectiveness and tolerance of CTX/TBI regimen for patients with lymphoma, and hematopoietic respectively.Methods:1 HD and 6 NHL, were mobilized by MOEP/CMOP and rhG CSF regimen. The conditioning regimen were consisted of high dose CTX and TBI.Results:The number of mononuclear cells in harvest and reinfuse in APBSCT patients were 4.2 ( 2.7 ~ 6.1 )×10 8/kg and 3.7 ( 2.7 ~ 5.3 )×10 8/kg respectively, The patients' granulocyte count > 0.5 ×10 9/L + 11.6 , platelet count >50×10 9/L + 14.6 . The side effects were mainly the gastrointestinal reaction.Conclusion:APBSCT is an efficient way for lymphoma. MOEP/CMOP rhG CSF mobilizing regimen and CTX/TBI conditioning regimen were a safe and effective modality.
Journal of Clinical Hematology