青年志愿者活动是教育培养医学生道德素质的有效载体。它对医学生道德素质的培养具有目的性、社会角色性、教育性、实践性、内化性等特点。它对培养医学生道德素质的作用有 :提高正确的道德认识 ,陶冶高尚的道德情感 ,磨炼坚强的道德意志 ,培养良好的道德行为习惯。
Youth Volunteer activity is an effective way to improve the moral quality of medical students. In cultivating the morality, it possesses the characteristics of being the aim, social role, education, practice and internal transformation, etc. The functions in cultivating moral qualities of medical students is that it may increase correct moral knowledge, cultivate noble moral emotion, steel strong moral will and develop good habits of behavior.
China Higher Medical Education