选用不同日龄的健康豚鼠 132只 ,分组经不同途径接种对猪具有致病性的猪链球菌 2型江苏分离株 HA980 1,引致脑炎及败血症 ,建立了动物模型。试验表明 ,小于 2 4日龄提前断奶的豚鼠对该菌株较易感 ,最佳感染途径是皮下注射 ,腹腔、鼻腔次之。感染豚鼠表现出典型脑炎的临床症状及病理变化。经重复试验测得该菌株对豚鼠的 L D50 为 5 .5× 10 6cfu,从感染死亡豚鼠脑脊液、大脑、血液及各实质器官均可分离出该病原菌 ,与仔猪自然感染情况相似。该动物模型的建立为进一步探究猪链球菌 2型感染的体内动态分布、感染机制。
An animal model was established to study the virulence factors and pathogenesis of Streptococcus suis type 2.In this paper,132 guinea-pigs were grouped and infected experimentally with isolate HA9801 of Streptococcus suis type 2 from Jiangsu.Younger guinea-pigs before weaning were more susceptible.The optimum route of inoculum was hypodermic.Acute meningitis were observed in inoculated animals.LD 50 of HA9801 to guinea-pigs had determined to be 5.5×10 6 cfu by repeated experiments.The organism could be reisolated from the brain,cerebrospinal fluid and other organs.The menings and brains appeared to be oedematous and congested with thickened meninges,or diffuse infiltration of mononuclear cells and neutrophils.It concluded that guinea-pig as an animal model will be useful for further research of Streptococcus suis type 2 infection.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science
国家"973"资助项目 ( G19990 1190 6 )