陌生化是指在文学创作中 ,创作者为了更好地表情达意的需要而采取的一种异于常规的表现手法 ,通俗地说 ,陌生化即推陈出新 ,化腐朽为神奇。形成陌生化的途径主要有语言的陌生化、主题或题材的陌生化、形象的陌生化等。陌生化有坚实的心理学依据 ,有其相对性和局限性 ,同时 ,它还具有一定的审美认识功能 ,是文学得以发展、进步的方法之一。
Neologism in literary creation is an unconventional method applied for a superior expression. Vulgarly speaking,it is a sort of innovation, that is, getting rid of the stale and bring forth the fresh, turning decay into miracle. The style of neologism can be achieved through language,theme and figure.Neologism has substantial psychologic grounds,as well as the relativity and limitatons.It also carries the aesthetic cognition function to a certain extent.Neologism is among the methods of promoting the literary development and improvement.
Journal of Chenzhou Teachers College