研究发现 ,小学生总体学习适应水平比全国理论水平高得多。综合小学低、中、高年级适应不良率来看 ,小学中年级适应性最差。就学习适应性不良的学生来说 ,城乡之间无显著差异 ,但性别方面有显著差异。就学习适应优良的学生而言 ,城乡之间无显著差异 ;而性别之间虽亦无显著差异 ,但从各分项测验看 ,男生优良率明显低于女生。
Through investigation and study it has been found that learning adaptability of the primary school pupils as a whole is fairly good.Comparatively speaking, the learning adaptability of the 3rd. and 4th.graders is poor.As for the puplis whose learning adaptability is poor,there is no distinctive difference between the urban pupils and the rural pupils,but there is a remarkable difference between the boys and girls.As for the pupils whose learning adaptability is good,there is no distinctive difference between the urban pupils and the rural pupils.However,judging from the individual test, the girls' adaptability is better than boys.
Journal of Hebei Normal University(Educational Science)