目的 探索云南大山区阳性螺点灭螺后螺情动态变化规律 ,为今后螺情的监测及控制血吸虫病提供依据。方法 对云南山区 1个阳性螺点 1次定点灭螺后的螺情进行了 11年的考核观察。每次均通过环境抽查设框调查螺情并解剖钉螺以求出钉螺感染血吸虫的自然感染率。结果 11年内共考核 10次 ,结果显示灭螺后 3年内查不到活螺 ,但第 4年开始又在原螺点内找到钉螺 ,至第 5年钉螺密度恢复到灭螺前水平 ,并有感染螺出现 ,且在未进行第 2次灭螺的情况下 ,其疫源性保持 5年未变。结论 阳性螺点的长期监测及消灭对于阻断云南山区血吸虫病的流行具有重要意义。阳性螺点的监测可每 2 - 3年进行 1次。
Objective To explore the regular patterning of dynamic changes of positive snail spot after eliminating snails, in order to providing scientific basis for snail surevillance in schistosomiasis control.. Methods A postitive snail spot in mountain village of Yunnan Province was continually checked on density and infection rate of snails by environmental sampling and snail dissecting for 11 years after eliminating snails. Results In the 10 times snail checking during 11 years, living snails were not found in the first 3 years, but from the fourth year, living snails were found, and in the fifth year, the density of snail population achivved the level before eliminating snail and the positive snails were found too. It was kept for 5 years that the snail spot as a sournce of human infection under no eliminating snails. Conclusion The long-term surveillance and abolishment of the positive snails are important to interrupt epidemic of schistosomiasis in mountainous regions of Yunnan Province. The surveillance of the positive snail spot may be carried out 1 time per 2-3 years.
Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control