探索了应用大豆芽、小麦芽、决明子、薏米等加工类咖啡饮料的最优配方和最佳工艺条件。实验结果表明 :大豆芽、小麦芽、决明子、薏米经烘干 ,焙炒 ,粉碎 ,分别按 1 0 %、 1 5 %、 2 5 %和 0 2 5 %的比例加入水中 ,在 90℃下恒温浸提 1h ,过滤后加入 8%的蔗糖 ,可得到色泽佳。
The optimum formula and technological conditions for the preparation of para-coffee beverage from soybean bud, wheat bud, cassia sopneraiinn and coix lacryma-jobi L , etc were studied The results indicated that 1 0% soybean bud, 1 5% wheat bud, 2 5% cassia sopneraiinn and 0 25% coix lacryma-jobi L were added to water after drying, baking and crumbling and extracted at 90℃ for 1 h and then filtered, and that 8% sugar was added to the filtrate to get a para-coffee beverage with nice colour and pleasant flavour
Beverage Industry