目的 调查重庆市南郊空气中气传花粉的种属和飘散规律及与花粉症的相关性。方法 1999年 10月 1日 -2 0 0 0年9月 3 0日期间 ,在重庆市南郊设暴片点 ,每天换片 ,并将优势致敏花粉对 180例花粉症病人行皮肤敏感试验。结果 发现重庆南郊一年中空气中花粉高峰期在 3月 ,占全年总数的 5 2 87% ,即春季花粉为本地区最优势 ,其主要气传花粉为 :构属、松属、柏属 ,此三种春季花粉的总计占全年总数的 72 95 %。结论 重庆市南郊空气中致敏花粉以春季花粉为主 ,此特点与本季节的气温、降雨量及风力有关 ,而秋季气传花粉是花粉症重要致敏原。
Objective To investigate the species of the airborne pollens, their diffusion rules and correlation with pollinosis in Southern suburban area of Chonqing city. Methods The exposed slides changed daily were stationed in 2 places of Southern suburban area from October 1999 to September 2000 and observed for diffusion pattern of airborne pollens. The obtained dominant allergic pollens were used to skin hypersensitive test on 180 patients with pollinosis. Results The collected pollens belonged to 24 species. The peak of spreading (52.87%) was in March in spring and September to October in autumn. The most distinguish pollens in spring were from Rroussonetia, Pinus and Cupressaceae species, which covered 72.95% in spring at total. The test on the pollenosis patients showed that the main allergic pollens dispersed during autumn. Conclusion The airborne pollen peak in Southern suburban area of Chongqing is in spring, which relative to the influence of temperature, wind power and rain amount in this season. But most pollen allergens diffuse in autumn.
Journal of Third Military Medical University
人事部非教育系统留学回国人员科技活动择优资助项目 (渝人[2 0 0 1] 73号文 )