目的 :调查重庆地区空气中气传花粉的种属及飘散规律。方法 :在重庆市区及近郊设两个暴片点进行空气中的花粉取样 ;按国内统一标准进行花粉变应原浸液皮肤敏感试验及结果判定 ;收集该地区气象资料及绿化树种类。结果 :重庆地区一年中空气中花粉高峰期在 3月 ,该月各种气传花粉的数量占全年总数的 6 5 .8% ,其主要气传花粉为松属、构属和柏属 ,此 3种花粉占全年总数的 6 9.4% ;该地区花粉抗原阳性率最高是秋季花粉 ,而春季花粉阳性率较低。结论 :重庆地区空气中致敏花粉以春季花粉为主 ,此特点与该季节的气温、降雨量及风力有关。
Objective: In order to investigate the variety of the airborne pollen in Chongqing.Method:The diffusions pattern of airborne pollens in two areas of Chongqing was investigated for one year from October 1999 to September 2000. The slides were exposed daily through one year. Result:The peak of spreading was in March in spring and in Autumn from September to October. The test on the pollen patients shows that the main resulting pollen is in Autumn. Conclusion:The airborne pollen peak in Chongqing in spring prone to the influence of temperature, wind power and rain amount.
Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology