以磷矿粉为底物研究了磷细菌溶磷的动力学 .采用消煮法测定全磷含量 ,钼锑抗比色法测定速效磷含量 ,以平板菌落活菌计数法计数磷细菌生长量 .结果表明 ,当底物浓度一定时 ,产物形成速率与磷细菌生长速率及菌体浓度成正比 ,产物形成比速率仅与生长速率成正比 .磷细菌溶磷动力学方程为 d Pdt=αμX,无效磷转化动力学方程为 Y=4 .5 4 1 g X+ 1 1 .2 3.
In this study the kinetics properties of phosphorus dissolving by the phosphorus bacteria 9320 SD was reported using the powdered rock phosphate as reactive material. The samples were treated with H 2SO 4 H 2O 2 for the whole phosphorus assay. The active phosporus (dissolving phosphorus) in the samples were determined by calorimetry. The amount of living cells was numbered in colony forming units by cultivating on solid medium. The results indicated that the rate of product forming had a direct ratio relation with the growing rate of phosphorus bacteria 9320 SD and its cell density. The kinetics equation of phosphorus dissolving by the phosphorus bacterial 9320 SD d P d t = αμχ . Kinetics equation of the inactive phosphrus (whole phosphorus) transforming Y =4.54 1g X +11.23.$$$$
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Nankaiensis
天津市自然科学基金 ( 96 36 0 2 5 1 1 )
天津市攻关计划重点项目 ( 0 1 36 0 981 1 )