比较了一株磷细菌P17对来自多种产地磷矿粉的溶解能力。通过摇瓶试验、扫描电镜观察提出磷细菌P17对不同来源磷矿粉生物风化的证据 ,选出了P17最适合作用的磷矿粉类型。从摇瓶试验看出 ,磷细菌P17对来源于黄麦岭、黄金卡黄的变质岩型磷矿粉有较好的溶解能力。经过P17长达 70d的溶解 ,磷矿粉的难溶磷逐渐被P17菌株溶解下来。连续 10次接种培养后 ,P17菌株能溶解黄麦岭磷矿粉全磷的81 0 2 % ;而对于黄金卡黄磷矿粉 ,P17溶解了全磷总量的 78 97%。试验结果表明磷细菌P17能够提高黄麦岭磷矿粉和黄金卡黄磷矿粉的持续利用率。另外 ,培养 7d后 ,磷细菌P17能够在以黄麦岭磷矿粉、黄金卡黄磷矿粉为唯一磷源的发酵液中产生 3 10mmolL-1的挥发性有机酸 ,同时能分别产生 4 0 5mmolL-1、5 1 1mmolL-1的难挥发性有机酸。经过气相色谱检测 ,磷细菌P17能够产生柠檬酸、琥珀酸、乳酸以及乙酸等有机酸 ,可能螯合磷矿粉中的金属离子 ,使磷游离出来。
Effect of Bacillus megaterium P17 strain on solubilization of different phosphate rocks was evaluated. Through shaking flask experiment and SEM photos, optimum phosphate rocks for P-solubilizing bacillus P17 strain were screened out. Results showed that bacillus P17 strain could dissolve phosphate rock powders of different sources, especially those from Huangmailing and Huangjinkahuang mines of diagenetic metamorphism phosphorits. After 70 days of culture and 10 times of inoculation, about 81.02% and 78.97% of the total phosphorus in the Huangmailing and Huangjinkahuang phosphate rock powders was solubilized, respectively. Results of the experiment showed that P17 strain could improve the continuous exploitation rate of some phosphate rocks. In addition, after 7 days of culturing, 3.10 mmol L -1 volatile organic acids and 40.5 mmol L -1 and 51.1 mmol L -1 non-volatile organic acids were detected in the medium with Huangmailing and Huangjinkahuang phosphate rock powders as its single phosphorus source, separately ; Gas chromatography revealed that bacillus P17 could also generate organic acids, such as lactic, succinic, malic, citric and acetic acids,which can chelate metal ions, thus releasing P from phosphate rocks. P-solubilization mechanism of bacteria P17 was discussed in this article.
Acta Pedologica Sinica
上海市科技兴农重点攻关项目 (农科攻字 98第 0 5 -2号 )资助