Fly ash especially class I fly ash exe rts remarkable effect on improving t he flowability of high belite cement .At nor-mal temperature the strength of high belite cement and concrete decrease s with the addition of fly ash,while a t elevated tempera-ture as 38℃,the ratio in strength gain for high belite cement at various ages and under varying addition of fly a sh surpasses that of Portland cement,and the 28d stren gth of high belite cement with fly ash is equivalent to or high than that of t he Portland ce-ment with the same addition of fly ash.The 90d strength of high belite ceme nt with class I fly ash is equivalent t o that of the high belite cement without fly ash.C lass II fly ash has marked effect on th e strength of high belite cement.The addition of fly ash can further reduce the hydration heat of high belite cement.