对一起 12 7.0× 9.19mmIEUG10 5内涂层钻杆刺穿事故进行了调查 ,对刺穿钻杆的裂纹形貌进行了断口微观分析和金相分析 ,对刺穿钻杆的材质进行了全面检验。认为钻杆刺穿失效性质属于早期腐蚀疲劳破坏 ,井内泥浆pH偏低且含有较严重的腐蚀介质 。
An investigation was made into the washout accident of 127.0×9.19mm IEU G105 drill pipe with internal coating.A micro-fracture analysis and metallographic analysis were made on the crack caused by the washout.A complete test was made on the quality of the washed drill pipe.It was found that early corrosion fatigue with well mud of low PH value and powerful corrosive media had led to the drillpipe failure.
Technology Supervision in Petroleum Industry