绿洲是西北干旱区最主要的农业生产基地 ,但在西部大开发生态建设的要求下和中国加入WTO的冲击下 ,绿洲地区传统的灌溉农业急需进行结构调整。位于河西走廊中部的张掖地区是典型的绿洲农业区 ,通过分析该区发展草畜产业的必然性 ,立足于不同类型区的资源比较优势 ,论证了张掖地区今后发展草畜产业的潜力和发展方向 。
Oasis is the foremost base of agriculture production in arid regions of northwest China. Under the requirement of the ecological development in west development and the impact of China entering WTO, the agriculture framework in oasis regions need to adjust urgently. Zhangye Region, in the middle of the Hexi corridor, is a typical model of oasis agriculture. By analysis of the inevitability to develop grass livestock industry, and from comparing prevalence in different type areas, we discussed the potentiality and the future trends of the grass livestock industry in Zhangye Region. And then, considering its foundations, a series of countermeasures were presented as well in this paper.
Grassland of China
中科院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所知识创新工程项目 (CASX2 10 0 2 3 )
中科院 2 0 0 0年"西部之光"项目资助