从地球科学“人为地质作用理论”出发 ,分析了黄河下游断流的严重性与危害性后认为 ,黄河下游断流不仅对黄河流域及整个中国生态环境产生重大影响 ,而且对社会经济发展以及可持续发展产生严重后果。在探讨了黄河下游断流的成因后认为 ,黄河下游断流有自然的原因和人为的原因 ,其中人类活动、人类工程活动及其人为地质作用的负面影响是黄河断流最主要的原因之一 ,从而提出解决黄河下游断流的科学对策 ,包括科学保护、科学开发、科学利用水资源以及暂缓实施南水北调中。
Based on the man made geological process of geosciences, this paper discusses the serious consequences and perniciousness of the cutoff in the lower reaches of the Yellow River. It suggests that the cutoff would have a great effect on both the ecological environment of the whole country as well as the Yellow River Basin and the development as well as the sustainable development in socioeconomics. On the basis of the analysis of the genesis, it shows that the cutoff results from both natural and man made processes , in which the negative effects caused by man activities, man engineering activities, and man made geological processes play the most important part. The paper also gives the scientific countermeasures on the cutoff, which include the suggestions of protecting, developing, and utilizing the water resources in China scientifically.
Journal of Chengdu University of Technology
国家自然科学基金重点项目 (4 973 41 5 0 )
国土资源部专项计划资助项目 (2 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 )