进一步了解脂肪肝的发病情况及相关因素。对上海市大华医院1998年7月至2000年9月,门诊病历卡进行调查与分析,总共调查门诊病历 20011 例,其中 2776例做过肝脏B超,确诊为脂肪肝者920例。(1)脂肪肝患者中男女之比为1:5.54,女性明显多于男性(P<0.001);男性平均年龄67.71■5.34,女性平均年龄60.42■8.0,男性平均年龄高于女性(P<0.001)。(2)脂肪肝病人的平均甘油三酯(2.42■1.31)高于正常值(1.7mmol/L)(P<0.001),平均胆固醇(5.56■ 1.08)与正常值(5.7mmol/L)无差异(P>0.05)。(3)脂肪肝患者的合并症依次为高血压(35.65%)、胆石症(26.11%)、糖尿病(16.52%)、冠心病(10.87%)、乙肝(5.10%)及肾功能不全(3.20%)(4)脂肪肝肝功能异常情况为:谷丙转氨酶增高10.82%,胆红素增高7.60%,碱性磷酸酶增高1.27%及乳酸脱氢酶增高0.65%。(5)75.98%的脂肪肝患者中存在不同程度的右上腹或/和中上腹不适。脂肪肝的发病与性别、年龄及甘油三脂增高密切相关,部分患者可出现肝功能异常和相应?
To further understand the status of fatty liver and related factors, Of 20011 clinical patients cards in Shanghai DaHua hospitals from July, 1998 to September 2000, 2776 hospital cards were with the diagnosis of ultrasonic for liver and 920 patients has been diagnosed to be Fatty Liver. (1)the sex ratio of the patients was 1:5. 54, more female patients than male patients (P < 0 .001); The mean age of male patients (67. 71■5. 34) was higher than that of female patients (60.42 ■8 .0) (P < 0.001); (2) The mean TG (2.42■ 1. 31 ) in patients was significantly higher than normal value (1 .7mmol/L, P < 0. 001); The mean TC(5. 56 ■1. 08) was not significantly different with normal value(5. 7mmol/L). The differences of TG and TC among different sex and age groups were not significant (P > 0. 05). (3) The pementages of complication with fatty liver were high blood pressure (35. 65%), cholelithiasis (26. 11%), diabetes(16. 52%), coro- nary heart disease (10. 87%), Hepatitis (5. 10%) and renal failure (3. 20%). (4)the abnormal hepatic function of fatty liver were increased ALT 0. 82%, increased TB 7 .60%, increased AKP 1.27% and LDH 0.65%. (5) There were 75 .98% fatty liver patients who had discomfort abdoment. Fatty liver is refated with sex. age and increased TG, and some patients could have abnormal hepatic function and related clinical symptoms.
Journal of Clinical Hepatology