Background &Objective:Recently,most of studies have indic ated that nitric oxide(NO)plays an important role in carcinogenesis an d tumor progression.Inducible nitr ic oxide synthase(iNOS)has been found at significantly higher expression levels in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCCA)specimens as compared with that in normal tissue.Furthermore,these data pro vided strong evidance for the role of iNOS generating NO in HNSCCA progression.However,there was no report about whether expression of iNOS mRNA in oral carcinoma is associated with its bio logical behavior.This study was designed to investigate the correlation between expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase mRNA(iNOS mRNA)in squamous cell carcinoma of tongue tissue and its invasive growth,neck lymph node metastasis,and prognosis.Methods:Sixty-eight cases with squamous cell carcinoma of tongue tissues were investigated.All cases with tongue carcinoma were followed up to obtain the information of prognosis.In situ hybridization assay was used to detect the expression of iNOS mRNA in tongue carcinoma tissues.The correlation between expression of i NOS mRNA in squamous cellcarcinoma of tongue tissue and its in vasive growth,neck lymph node metastasis,and prognosis was analyzed.Results:①The positive expression rate of iNOS mRNA was 86.1%and 48.0%in the group of in vasive growth and no invasive growth respectively.The difference betwe en the two groups was significant with coefficient of 0.3.②The positive expression rate of iNOS mRNA was 85.7%and 62.5%in the group of positive lymph node metastasis and negative lymph node metastasis respectively.The difference betwe en the two groups was significant,which the correlation coefficient was0.3.③Three-year survival rate was significantly low er in the group of positive expressio n of iNOS mRNA than that in the group of negative expression of iNOS mRNA in the tongue carcinoma.Conclusions :①A positive correlation was found between the positive expression of iNOS mRNA and invasive growth as well as ne
Chinese Journal of Cancer