1California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, Health and Safety Code, 38500 - 38599, consulatable on http: //www. arb. ca. gov/cc/ab32/32 htm. 被引量:1
2Californian Global Warming Solution Act, A. B. 32, 2005 - 06 Sess. ( Cal. 2005 ). 被引量:1
3international business guide, Earthscan, 2009, pp. 159 - 180. 被引量:1
4K Lamotte, D. Wiliamson and L Hopkins, "Emission trading in the US: legal issues", in D. Freestone and C. Steck, Legal aspects of carbon trading, OUP, 2009, at pp. 392 and pp. 413 -416. 被引量:1
7See M. Nichols," Califomla' s climate change program: lessons for the nation" UCLA Journal of envirnomental law and policy 27, 2009, at pp. 201 - 203. 被引量:1
8Resolution 10 - 42 available at www. arb. ca. gov/ee/eapandtrade/eapondtrade, draft% 20resolution. pdt2 Los Angeles Time, at http: //latimesblogs. latimes, corn/greenspaeef2010/Ol glaba- lwarming - ab - 32 - measure - 94 - climate - change sehwarzenegger, html. 被引量:1
9Association of lmtated Residents, et al.v. Califomia Air Resourees Boar preliminary injunction halting implementation, No CPF-09 -509562. 被引量:1
10Final Californian cap - and - trade regulation, Initial Staff Statement Of Reaons (ISOR) and FSOR, all consultable on http: //www. arb. ca. gov/regact/2010/ capandtrade l 0/capandtrade i 0. htm. 被引量:1