虚拟企业是为响应快速变化的市场需求 ,利用多种现代信息技术组建起来的动态联盟 ,是适应敏捷制造模式的一种全新的企业组织形式 ,因而必然有着与传统企业大相径庭的新特征。本文在深入分析比较了虚拟企业 (Virtu alEnterprise)与传统企业质量管理工作的基础上 ,对VE质量管理工作的主要对象———质量信息及其过程进行了重点研究 ,并提出了VE质量管理的基础工作。
Virtual Enterprise (VE) is a temporary network, consisting of many enterprises that are connected by information technology to seize and exploit the fleeting market opportunities. VE is considered as the enterprise form to fit the agile manufacturing paradigm, and is an absolutely new enterprise concept, so, it certainly has some new characters, which are much different from that of a traditional enterprise. Based on the profound comparison of the quality management of VE and traditional enterprises, this paper studies specially on the quality information, which is the main object of the quality management of VE. Besides, this paper brings forward the base work of the quality management of VE.
Industrial Engineering Journal
国家自然科学基金项目资助 (7980 0 0 5 )
国家自然科学基金重大项目资助 (5 9990 4 70 4 )