目的 对1973年在浙江省诸暨县(市)建立的麻疹免疫持久性观察基地进行麻疹疫苗初免后24~25年的血清抗体追踪观察。方法 对各年份血清学资料完整的326名观察对象采集微量血,测定HI抗体,同时对HI<1:2的对象用细胞中和法(SN)进行复测。结果 初免后24-25年抗体阳性率为53.66%-84.48%。不同剂量免后HI的GMT和累积阴转率差异无显著意义。不同免疫途径免疫的抗体持久性均与野病毒感染基本一致,但HI<1:2者用SN法复测抗体阳性率可达92.23%。结论 麻疹疫苗HI抗体阳性率随免疫时间推移降低,但细胞中和抗体阳性率仍较理想。
[Abstract] Objective To observe the immunopersistence of live measles vaccine 24-25 years after primary immunization in 1973. Methods A total of 326 subjects with complete serological documents were bleed and detected for antibody by HI method, and those with HI tilers of l : 2 below were further detected by cell neutralization test. Results The antibody positive rate 24-25 years after primary immunization was 53.66% - 84. 84%. No significant difference were observed in the HI liter, GMT and cumulative antibody negative rate of the subjects immunized with the vaccine al differenl dosages. The persistence of antibodies induced by various routes was basically in agreement with those induced by the infection with wild virus. However, the antibody positive rate of the subjects with HI liters of 1 -2 below reached 92.23% after being detected by cell neutralization test. Conclusion The HI antibody positive rate of measles vaccine decreased as time goes on . However , the neutralizing antibody positive rate of it was still satisfied.
Chinese Journal of Biologicals