蒙古高原天门冬属植物区系的显著特点是 :其东部渗入了东亚中生植物区系成分 (有 5种 ,甚至包括 A.dauricus) ,西部渗入了中亚旱生植物区系成分 ( 3种 ) .由于长期自然选择适应和演化结果 ,蒙古高原本属植物有一个特有种 .此外 ,在贺兰山及祁连山形成了我国青藏高原北部山区的特有种类 ( 1种、1变种 ) .通过 Jascal相似性系数分析 ,蒙古高原天门冬属植物区系与华北、东北、新疆、中西伯利亚的植物区系联系较紧密 .蒙古高原本属植物区系在漫长的演化过程中 ,主要受到热带非洲旱生植物区系和热带亚洲印度—马来西亚中生植物区系的影响 ,分别形成了旱生植物区系成分和中生植物区系成分 ,并且两种植物区系成分在蒙古高原荒漠化草原区形成重叠 ,形成现今蒙古高原天门冬属植物区系格局 .
The characteristics of flora of this genus in the Mongolian plateau: the elements of the mestic flora in East Asia (5sp.)invade into the flora in the east of the Mongolian plateau, and the elements of the xeric flora in Central Asia(3sp.) invade into the flora in the west of the Mongolian plateau.Because of natural selection and evolution, one endemic species has been formed in the Mongolian plateau. In addition, one endemic and its var.species, which belongs to Qinghai-Tibet plateau, have been formed in the Helanshan and Qilian mountains. According to the analysis of Jascal similar coefficient,the flora is related closely with the floras of North China, North-east China, Xinjiang and Central Siberia. During long evolution process the flora in the Mongolian plateau has mainly been influenced by tropical African xeric flora and tropical India-Malaysian mesic flora. So the elements of the xeric flora and mesic flora have been formed and overlapped in the desert-steppe of the Mongolian plateau.
Journal of Inner Mongolia University:Natural Science Edition
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 3986 0 0 0 8)