To discuss the diagnosis and manage ment of traumatic carotid cavernous fistula (TCCF).Methods: In all 15 patients with TCCF confirmed by angiography, 8 patients got early diagnosis and cure. With Seldinger technique adpoted in th e puncture of femoral artery, Magic 3 F 1.8 F BD catheters combining with b alloon were used to embolize the fistula or the internal carotid artery. Results: Early diagnosis and cure were achieved in 8 patients w ithin one week and no sequelae occurred. Seven patients with delayed diagnosis who were cured beyond one week had some sequelae such as hypopsia in 5 cases, incomplete oculomotor paralyses in 3 and incomplete abducent paralyses in 2. Am ong all the 15 cases, the internal carotid artery was preserved in 12 cases acou nting for 80%. Occluding the fistula with sacrifice of the internal carotid arte ry was performed in 3 cases and no repatency of the fistula occurred by followin g up beyond three months. Conclusions: The preferred therapy for TCCF is to occlude the f istula using detachable balloon. The diagnosis and treatment for TCCF can signif icantly reduce occurrence rate of the complications and sequelae.