Semi insulating (SI) InP wafers of 50 and 75mm in diameter can be obtained by annealing of undoped liquid encapsulated Czochralski (LEC) InP at 930℃ for 80h.The annealing ambient can be pure phosphorus (PP) or iron phosphide (IP).The IP SI InP wafers have good electrical parameters and uniformity of whole wafer.However,PP SI InP wafers exhibit poor uniformity and electrical parameters.Photoluminescence which is subtle to deep defect appears in IP annealed semi insulating InP.Traps in annealed SI InP are detected by the spectroscopy of photo induced current transient.The results indicate that there are fewer traps in IP annealed undoped SI InP than those in as grown Fe doped and PP undoped SI InP.The formation mechanism of deep defects in annealed undoped InP is discussed.
对液封直拉 (L EC)非掺磷化铟 (In P)进行 930℃ 80 h的退火可重复制备直径为 5 0和 75 mm的半绝缘 (SI)衬底 .退火是在密封的石英管内纯磷 (PP)或磷化铁 (IP)两种气氛下进行的 .测试结果表明 IP- SI In P衬底具有很好的电学性质和均匀性 ,而 PP- SI的均匀性和电学参数都很差 .在 IP- SI样品的 PL谱中出现与深缺陷有关的荧光峰 .光激电流谱的测量结果表明 :在 IP气氛下退火获得的半绝缘磷化铟中的缺陷明显比 PP- SI磷化铟的要少 .