西方社会心理学的研究成果证明广告具有性别教育功能。中国广告中的女性形象在一定程度上误导女性的社会角色定位。时代和社会要求广告中的女性形象应突破某些传统成见 ,体现出女性社会角色的丰富内涵。依据“人本广告观” ,广告不应一味地渲染女性对男性的依附 ,而应该着力于塑造具有“双性”人格特征的新女性形象。在媒体广告与女性自我定位的关系中 ,媒体可以是引导者 ,也可以是现有定型观念的维持者 ,或者堕落为媚俗者。
The paper proceeds from the gender role education function of advertising and provides a comparative analysis of gender roles in Chinese advertising and social contexts. It combines findings in Western social psychology with female images in Chinese advertisements and explores the impact of such advertising on women. Based on the issues identified, the paper suggests a humanistic perspective of women that can be projected through advertising in the media. It observes that female images presented in advertisement can both guide and mislead women into various conceptions of their own social gender roles.
Journal of Xiamen University(A Bimonthly for Studies in Arts & Social Sciences)