AFL P是一种新的 DNA标记 ,它是利用 PCR技术对基因组 DNA双酶切片段的选择性扩增。这种技术可经济、快捷、有效地产生大量分子标记 ,且多态标记丰富、均匀地遍布整个基因组、共显性遗传、重复性和可比性强。
AFLP a newly DNA markers, involves selective amplification of a subset of restriction fragments generated by double digestion of genomic DNA. AFLP provide effective, rapid and economical technique for producing large number of polymorphic genetic markers, which are primary codominant markers and distribute evenly the whole genome. AFLP analysis does not need to know genome sequence beforehand. This paper describes the principle and technique character and virtures on AFLP, and problems in AFLP analysis, and the application in the genetic analysis.
Animal Science & Veterinary Medicine