目的 :研究 5岁以下急性腹泻患儿人类轮状病毒 (HRV)的感染情况。方法 :酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测轮状病毒抗原 ,聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳 (PAGE)检测HRV核酸型别。结果 :HRV的检出率在 10~12月份最高 (约为 5 5 % ) ,1~ 6月份次之 (约为 35 % ) ,7~ 9月份最低 (约为 8% )。HRV的感染率以 6个月至 2岁组最高 (占 46 .0 % ) ,<6月组次之 (占 2 7.0 % ) ,2~ 5岁组最低 (占 8.6 % )。 1996年 10月至 1997年 1月 ,本地区流行的HRV电泳型以长型为主 ,占 6 3.0 % (4 6 / 73) ,未见混合型。结论 :HRV是本地区 10~ 12月间 6个月至 2岁婴幼儿急性腹泻的主要病原。
Objective: To investigate infantile diarrhoea caused by human rotavirus.Methods: Stool samples from infants with acute diarrhoea were detected by ELISA and PAGE.Results: The positive rates were about 55% between October and December,about 35% between January and June and about 8% between July and September. The positive ratesof the age groups of <6 months,>6 months,>2 years were 27.0%,46.0% and 8.6% respectively.HRV electrophe types of 73 samples obtained between October,1996 and Jananuary,1997 consisted of 46 cases of long electrophe types(63.0%) and 27 cases of short electrophe types(27.0%). No mixed electrophe type was identified.Conclusion: Rotavirus was still the main pathogen in infantile diarrhoea of the age group of 6 months to 2 years from October to December of the year.
Journal of Wenzhou Medical College
浙江省教委科研基金项目 ( 95 0 0 0 2 )