素质教育背景下 ,对课堂教学理念与实践的研究 ,符合时代与改革的需要。我们的实践研究 ,剖析了中小学课堂教学的现状 ,并运用新的教育理念 ,指导课堂教学实践 。
To study the idea and practice of classroom instruction against the background of quality oriented education is to meet the needs of reform in the new era.We have freshened up the idea of modern classroom instruction,and put it into practice by analysing the current complexion of classroom instruction in primary and middle schools and attained reasonable success.Based on the research,we have put forward the measures and strategies to realize the trasformation of classroom instruction pattern.
Journal of Hebei Normal University(Educational Science)
上海市教育规划资助项目 (项目编号 991 37)