目的 :为了准确检测产前优生咨询妇女弓形虫感染及掌握不同时期弓形虫的量值变化情况。方法 :本室采用荧光定量PCR技术并结合ELISA法同时对 16 98例产前妇女进行联合检查。并将其结果进行对照分析。结果 :发现ELISA不同抗体阳性率和荧光定量PCR阳性率在检测结果上有一定的差异。在ELISA抗体仅一项阳性的患者中 ,IgG抗体阳性其荧光定量PCR检测值也为阳性的百分率最高 ,达 88.9% ,(P >0 .0 5 ,无差异 )。其次为IgM抗体阳性 ,符合率达 6 2 .5 % (P <0 .0 5 ,有差异 )。Cag循环抗原阳性最低 ,仅 31.8% (P <0 .0 1,有显著差异 )。在二项抗体同为阳性的患者中 ,IgG和IgM双阳其荧光定量PCR检测也为阳性的百分率最高 ,达 98.5 %。IgG与Cag双阳、IgM与Cag双阳的分别为 86 .8%、85 .4%。对 3项抗体全为阳性的 3名患者来说 ,两种方法结果一致。另外在 12 14名ELISA阴性的患者中 ,用荧光定量PCR法仍检测 5例阳性 ,阳性率为 0 .41%。结论 :由于荧光定量PCR技术增加了探针杂交 ,它的特异性及准确性都大大提高 ,可靠程度优于ELISA ,具有重要的临床参考价值。但在人体感染的某些时期 (Igm ,Cag单项阳性时 )荧光定量PCR法也会存在漏诊的情况。由此可见 ,这两种方法都各有其优缺点 ,只有将两种方法有机结合起来 ,才能对弓?
The:To accurately detect the infection of TOX in antenatal women and grasp its quantitative changes in different periods. Method:We take fluorescence quantitative PCR(FQ-PCR) and ELISA techniques to detect 1698 cases of antenatal women simultaneously and analyse their resusts. Result: There are some differents between the positive rate of different antibodies in ELISA and the positive rate in FQ-PCR. Among the positivity of single-item antibody, IgG antibody posititive rate and its FQ-PCR positive rate are the highest conformed, shared 88.9%(P>0.05). Then is the conformation of IgM antibody, shared 62.5%(P<0.05). The lowest is Cag antibody's,only 31.8%(P<0.01). Among the positivity of double-items antibodyes, IgG and IgM, IgG and Cag, IgM and Cag,their FQ-PCR positive rate are 98.5%,86.8%,85.4% respectively. And there are highly coincided between the three-items antibodies positive rate and their FQ-PCR positive rate. Among 1214 nagative cases of ELISA, also detect 5 positive cases by FQ-PCR, positive rate is 0.41%. Conclusion: Due to the FQ-PCR is used probe to DNA hybridize, its specificity and accuracy are superior to ELISA, has great value in clinical diagnosis of pathogen. But FQ-PCR will also lose diagnosis to some extents (IgG,IgM sing-item antibody positivity). Therefore,we can see that the two techniques have also merits and demerits respectively. In order to detect TOX accurately and reduce the birth rate of abnormal babies, we should use two techniques conbinately.
Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity