[目的]探讨食管癌患者自发性细胞凋亡指数、凋亡相关基因表达水平和临床近期疗效的的关系。[方法]对47份食管癌活检标本分别采用TUNEL和免疫组化法检测自发性细胞凋亡指数和相关基因的表达 ,并与临床疗效进行比较。[结果]食管癌活检标本均能检测到细胞凋亡 ,平均凋亡指数 (SAI)1.33 %±0.56%;SAI与bax基因表达呈正相关 (r=0.51,P<0.01) ,与bcl_2基因表达呈负相关 (r= -0.43,P<0.05) ,与p53基因表达呈反相关 ;SAI与临床疗效呈正相关 ,SAI>1.33 %者临床疗效明显优于SAI<1.33%者 (P<0.05) ;当SAI>1.33%,p53(- )时 ,临床疗效明显提高。[结论]SAI和p53与食管癌放射敏感性密切相关 ,两者结合起来 。
To investigate the correlation among the levels of the spontaneous apoptosis index(SAI),apoptosis related proteins expression and short term clinical response to radical radiotherapy in patients with esophageal carcinoma.Forty seven patients with esophageal carcinoma who received irradiation therapy alone were registered in this study.Specimens were obtained before irradiation.The apoptotic index(AI)of each tissue specimen was evaluated by(terminal deoxynucleotidy1 transferase mediated deoxyuridine triphophate nick labling,TUNEL)assay and expressed as a percentage.Immunohistochemical evaluation for apoptosis related proteins p53,bcl 2 and bax was also performed.Consistent low levels of spontaneous apoptosis were observed in all specimens evaluated,the mean AI of spontaneous apoptosis was 1.33%±0.56%;There was a positive correlation between SAI and expression of bax(r=0.51,P<0.01);The SAI showed a negtive correlation to the expression of bcl 2 (r=-0.43,P<0.05);There was an inverse correlation between SAI and the expression of p53 protein;The clinical response of the patients with SAI>1.33% was significantly higher than those with SAI<1.33%(P<0.05);When the expression of p53 and SAI were considered simultaneously,the association with clinical response was highly significant.[Conclusion]There is a close relationship among SAI,expression of p53 and short term clinical response in patients with esophageal carcinoma;SAI and p53 are two of the potential factors which could forecast the radiosensitivity of esophageal carcinoma.
Journal of Chinese Oncology
esophageal neoplasms
gene expression