目的 :探讨外斜A征临床特征及手术矫正的效果。方法 :18例患者 13例行上斜肌减弱术 +水平肌手术 ,5例行单纯水平肌手术 ,观察术前术后眼位 ,上斜肌功能及双眼视觉。结果 :上斜肌减弱术 +相应内直肌缩短术对大多数外斜A征的矫正效果最好。结论 :上斜肌功能亢进是外斜A征发病主要原因。外斜A征手术方式主要是上斜肌减弱
Objective:To investigate the clinical features of A pattern exotropia and to evaluate the efficacy of surgical treatment for the correction of A pattern exotropia. Methods:18 cases of exotropia with A pattern were studied.The superior oblique muscle weakening procedure combining the horizontal muscles procedures was performed on 13 cases,and simple horizontal muscles procedure was performed on the other 5 cases.Eye positions,the function of the superior oblique muscle and the binocular vision before and after operations were also summarized and analyzedResults:The weakening procedure of superior oblique muscle combining the resection of the medial rectus muscle was the most effective in the most A pattern exotropia. Conclusions:The hyperfunction of the superior oblique muscle is the primary factor in the etiology of A pattern exotropia.The major surgical procedure is the superior oblique muscle weakening combining medial rectus muscle strengthening.
Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology