实验研究了浓氨介质中磷石膏与氯化钾直接转化制硫酸钾过程中反应温度、停留时间、进料浓度、进料配比及氨水浓度等重要参数对硫酸钾结晶过程的影响规律。结果表明 :当硫酸钾结晶产品纯度较低、钾石膏含量较高时 ,晶体平均粒径及悬浮密度均较大 ;且晶体形态随硫酸钾产品纯度的下降而由颗粒状、颗粒状和针状混合体逐渐转变为针状聚晶 。
The effects of some factors such as temperature,residence time,feed concentration,ratio of reactants and ammonia concentration ect.on the crystallization of potassium sulfate in ammonia water solution have been studied.When the purity of potassium sulfate crystal is lower and the content of the potassium phosphogypsum is higher,the median diameter of crystal particle and the density of suspension are higher.The scanning electron microscope photos show that when the purity of K 2SO 4 crystal declines,the crystal gradually translates from the granule like shape and the mix of granule like shape and needle like shape to the needle like shape and the crystal of the granule like shape disappesars.
Multipurpose Utilization of Mineral Resources