已发现的化石表现中国直立人的分布北至 3 9°41′N ,南至 2 5°45′N ,东达 1 1 8°0 9′E ,西抵 1 0 1°5 5′E。中更新世可供比较的重要化石有周口店、和县及汤山的头骨 ,周口店、陈家窝及和县的下颌骨 ;早更新世有公王岭和郧县曲远河口的头骨 ,元谋和郧县梅铺的门牙。比较的结果显示各地的化石之间有同也有异 ,目前还没有足够的证据表明各地点化石之间的变异足以表现那时中国的人类可以像现代和新石器时代那样划分为南、北两大人群。中国的直立人有许多形态特征与中国的化石智人一致 ,个别标本还有个别特征与中国大多数标本不同 ,却在西方有较多的出现 ,这些现象支持中国古人类“连续进化附带杂交”的假说。
Until present there are many fossils belonging to Homo erectus found in China. The north limit of the distribution is 39°41′N (ZKD); south limit, 25°45′N (Yuanmou); east, 118°09′E (Yiyuan); west, 101°55′E (Yuanmou). ZKD, Tangshan, Hexian, Chenjiawo, Yiyuan, Nanzhao, Yunxi and Luonan belong to Middle Pleistocene; Yuanmou, Gongwangling, Quyuan River Mouth, Meipu and Jianshi, to Early Pleistocene. Among the important Middle Pleistocene sites Tangshan and Hexian are in the south part of China, ZKD and Chenjiawo in the north. ZKD and Hexian have yielded skulls and mandibles, Tangshan , only skulls, Chenjiawo only a mandible. Skulls of ZKD are different from that of Hexian in having lower cranial index, higher curvature of the frontal bone, more post orbital constriction, less curved superior orbital margin, presence of the supraorbital process, lower pyramids of temporal bone, parietal bone shorter than the frontal bone, coronal contour viewed from behind bun like instead of quadrangular in shape etc. Tangshan skulls are closer to those from ZKD than to that of Hexian in all of these above mentioned features except the height of the pyramid because of the lack of this part of specimen. Skulls of Hexian and Tangshan are similar in not having a wide chignon at the occipital region which presented in ZKD skulls. So all of these could not be the markers dividing the Middle Pleistocene population of China into a northern and a southern one. Tangshan skull No.1 is different from those of ZKD in possessing more developed marginal process of zygomatic bone, absence of severe constriction around the fronto zygomatic suture, presence of narrow ridge along the internasal suture, surface bulge between the pyriforme orifice and the orbit, more protruding nasal saddle and much bigger difference between the breadth of the upper and lower margins of the nasal bone etc. But all of these differences could not be checked in Hexian skull because of the lack of corresponding parts in that specimen. New specim
Quaternary Sciences
国家自然科学基金 (批准号 :4 9972 0 1 1 )