调查孕妇尿中微小脲原体 (U.parvum)和解脲脲原体 (U.urealyticum)分种和分型情况。收集 15 1份孕妇尿标本 ,进行液体培养 ,用通用引物 ,种特异和型特异性引物对液体培养阳性者进行分种、分型分析。结果发现 :在 87份通用引物阳性标本中 ,U.parvum为 5 8,U.urealyticum为 18,两者同时出现者为 5 (5 / 87) ,第 3型 (Serovar3) ,第1型 (Serovar1) ,第 6型 (Serovar6 ) ,第 1亚型 (Subtype1) ,第 3亚型 (Subtype3)为最为常见的寄生菌。提示 :用PCR方法可以对临床分离的标本进行分种和分型 ,有利于研究其种、型与疾病的关系。
Ureaplasma (U) parvum and U. urealyticum and their subtypes or serovars of urine specimens in pregnant women were investigated. After collecting 151 specimens and inoculating broth, all broth culture positive specimens were amplified. The species were identified and subtyped using general primers, species specific primer and type specific targeting multiple banded antigen gene sequence. The results showed that U.parvum was identified in 58 of 151 isolates or specimens, and U.urealyticum in 18 (both present in 5, none 6). Serovars 3, 1 and 6 were the most common among U.parvum isolates, and subtypes 1, 3 were the most common among U.urealyticum, and more than two serovars among clinical isolates were found. This PCR based typing system could facilitate studies of the relationship between individual U. species or subtypes and human diseases.
Acta Universitatis Medicinae Tongji