目的:探讨自然组织谐波成像技术在腹部疾病中的应用价值,以提高对腹部脏器病变的鉴别诊断能力。方法:对临床怀疑为肝胆胰脾及腹腔内占位性病变42例病人共52个病灶,采用美国HP-5500及GE-700超声诊断仪行谐波成像技术检验,用2~4 MHz变频探头,该仪器带有2次谐波超声显像软件,对病灶行基波成像及2次谐波成像检查比较。结果:基波与2次谐波对病灶内部回声及周边回声显示清晰率分别为26.9%和90.4%,仅3.8%2次谐波显示不佳,有5.8%减弱或消失。结论:自然组织谐波成像技术与传统的基波成像技术相比,具有增加超声穿透力,减少伪像回波,增强分辨力以获取更多的诊断信息,提高病变检出率和诊断正确率的优势。
Objective: To explore the application value of tissue harmonic imaging in the diagnosis of abdominal diseases. Methods: Forty-two patients with clinically suspected tumor in liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen and peritoneal cavity were ex-amed with American Hp-5500 and GE-700 ultrasnic diagnostic apparatus and 2~4 MHz frequency probe. The results of basic wave imaging and harmonic imaging were compared. Results: The clarity of displaying the foci s inside and around echo were 26.9% and 90.4% via basic wave imaging and harmonic imaging. The harmonic imaging was unsatisfied by only 3.8% , and reduced or disappeared by 5.8% . Conclusion: The tissue harmonic imaging can increase ultrasonic wave penetration, decrease imaging artifact echo, increase resolution and the diagnosis rate compared with the traditional basic wave imaging.
Tianjin Medical Journal