中国是黄磷生产、消费和出口大国 ,2 0 0 0年生产能力为 87万t/a ,产量 50万t,表观消费量 38万t,出口约 1 2万t。预计美国、西欧和日本等发达国家的黄磷消费量将缓慢增长 ,中国黄磷市场供大于求 ,市场竞争加剧。指出今后国内东西部地区将利用资源和市场优势互补联合建设规模经济装置 ,并且新建装置将进一步向电。
China is a big country of production, consumption and export of phosphor. The capacity of phosphor in 2000 was 870 kt, the output was 500 kt, the apparent consumption was about 380 kt, and the export to other country was about 120 kt. It is forecasted that the consumption of phosphor in USA, West Europe and Japan will increase slowly. the supply of phosphor in China is more than demand. The competition of phosphor in the market will be more serious. It is pointed out that the East and West area in China will cooperate to build phosphor plant on a certain economic scale using their advantages of resource and market. The new plant will be built in the area with abundant phosphorus ore resource and especially electricity resource.
Modern Chemical Industry