直接和言词原则是诉讼中得非常重要的基本原则。本文首先阐述了直接原则的三方面和言词原则的两方面的含义以及这两项原则的要求 ,紧接着论述它们的作用和其对于审判改革和司法公正的意义 ,然后分析了在我国这两项原则未能得到贯彻的原因之所在及其对策 ,最后得出结论 :应当有效地实施直接和言词原则 ,加强配套措施 ,促进司法公开 ,实现社会正义。
The principles of direct trial and oral evidence are two important principles in lawsuit.This article first explains the meaning and requirements of these two principles,then discusses their function and significance to trial reform and judicial justice.And it analyses the causes why these two principles cannot be carried out in China and puts forward the solution to this problem.At last,the article comes to the conclusion that we should put the principles of direct trial and oral evidence into practice effectively to strengthen necessary measures,improve judicial disclosure and realize social justice.
Journal of Shandong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)