本文回顾了国内外城市地质工作的发展历程 ,阐述了中国城市地质工作的发展方向和重点工作领域。指出城市地质工作必须服务于城市 (城市群、经济开发区 )的规划、建设和管理 ,为城市社会经济可持续发展、减灾防灾提供具有针对性、实用性和超前性的基础地质资料和成果。由于中国城市的规模、性质、自然资源承载力、地质环境特征不同 ,城市环境地质调查、评价的对象、内容也将有所差异。归纳起来 ,城市地质的重点工作领域为 :城市可持续发展 :城市可持续发展的资源开发战略与对策 ,城市地质环境容量及脆弱性分析。城市地质灾害 :城市地质灾害风险、影响面、易损性及对灾害的反应 ,城市环境变化的地质指标体系。城市环境地质综合研究 :城市环境地质调查评价的新理论、新方法、新技术 ;城市环境地质图系的编制。数字城市环境地质 :GIS平台上的地质空间数据库 ,城市地质环境动态分析、评价。
This paper discusses the processes of development of urban geological works in China and abroad, expounds the developmental trend and main work fields of Chinese urban geological works and points out that urban geological works should serve the planning, construction and management of the cities. It should provide purposeful, practical and foreseeing basic geological data and achievements for the sustainable development and mitigation/prevention of natural hazards in the related cities. Chinese cities are different in sizes, properties, capacities of natural resources and environmental characteristics. So, targets and contents of urban environmental geology in China should be different.In summery, the urban geological works should focus on the following: 1.Sustainable development of cities Strategy of natural resources utilization for sustainable development of cities (including economic development zones), capacity of geological environment of cities and analysis of its vulnerability. 2.Geological hazards in urbanized area The risks and impacts of geological hazards in urbanized area, the evaluation system of geological indexes for the change of urban environment. 3.Comprehensive researches of the urban environmental geology New theories and techniques for the survey and evaluation of the urban environmental geology. 4.Digital system of the urban environmental geology. GIS special database management system of environmental geology; dynamic analysis, evaluation and decision-making system of ecological-environmental geology, forecast system of geological hazards.
Safety and Environmental Engineering