在振动纤维栅除尘器中 ,气流绕流纤维时旋涡脱落频率 (Re>4 0 )与纤维的固有频率相近 ,发生同步效应 ,使振动纤维栅中的纤维产生共振响应。本文根据弦的波动方程 ,运用振型叠加法计算纤维的振动响应 ,并与实验结果进行了比较。结果表明 ,纤维的共振振幅响应与固有频率、阻尼比、旋涡脱落频率 (Sr数 )、流体的作用力有关 。
As is known, the vibration fiber grid dust collector works on the two dimensional motion of the airflow and the vibration of the fiber grid. The wake of the airflow around the fiber is considered as a two dimensional motion. With the vortex shedding within the whole span of the fiber shed at the same frequency at the same time ( Re >40), thus producing the synchronization effect. The present paper has made an analysis of the working principle of the vortex shedding which leads to the resonation of fiber. The frequency of the vertex shedding helps to build the synchronous domino effect with the intrinsic frequency of the fiber, which causes the fibers in the grid to vibrate resonantly. The resonating response of the fiber to the swing can be calculated by using the Navier Stokes equation in the controlling superposition method. The results of the calculation are compared with the experimental data, which shows that the two values are nearly concurrent when the frequency is identical with the intrinsic frequency of the fiber (Fig. 4). Thus, the present paper has concluded that the resonation swing response of the fiber is related to a lot of factors, including the intrinsic frequency, damping ratio, the frequency of the vortex shedding ( Sr ) and the force of fluid. Without the force of fluid, the resonation swing response of the fiber can be calculated with equation (17), which indicates the swing varies in a range from 0.3 to 0.5.
Journal of Safety and Environment