目的 了解吸毒人群的艾滋病知识及HIV、HBV、HCV、梅毒的感染状况 ,通过健康教育降低艾滋病的发病水平。方法 利用调查表对戒毒所吸毒人员进行艾滋病知识、态度、行为等基线资料调查 ,采用发放宣传材料、讲课、放录像等方法进行教育干预。结果 戒毒人员中未婚占 72 96 %,待业人员占 6 5 36 %,年龄主要分布在 15~ 30岁 ,平均毒龄 2 98年 ,静脉吸毒占 33 85 %,其中 2 4 70 %有共用注射器行为。抗-HIV、抗 -HCV、HBsAg、梅毒阳性率分别为 0 2 0 %、2 9 6 9%、2 2 85 %和 7 0 3%。通过健康教育 ,戒毒人员的艾滋病知识提高了 1 34~ 2 4 16百分点。结论 应在吸毒人群中开展广泛的艾滋病知识及毒品危害的健康教育 ,遏制艾滋病在吸毒人群中的蔓延。
Objective To understand the knowledge level of AIDS prevention,prevalence rate of HIV,and to change the attitudes and behaviors in drug users in Hainan Province.Methods Drug users were interviewed through questionnaire about AIDS knowledge,and to be intervened through training,playing video and propaganda.Results Most of the drug users are unmarried,accounting for 72.96%, and the unemployed for 65.36%.Their ages are from 15 to 30 years old,and the average time of drug use is 2.98 years.The proportion of intravenous drug users is 33.85%,among which 24.70% shared syringes and needles with other drug users.The positive rate of anti-HIV,anti-HCV,HBsAg and syphilis were 0.20%,29.69%,22.85% and 7.03% respectively.The AIDS knowledge in drug users increased for 1.34 to 24.16 percent after the intervention for one year.Conclusion It was imperative to pursue wide education of AIDS prevention and the harm of drug use in drug users to reduce HIV infection.
Chinese Journal of Public Health