为探讨钢的激光淬火工艺参数对淬硬层深的影响 ,本文对T10钢进行了激光淬火试验。结果表明 :淬硬层深随激光功率的增大、扫描速度的降低、激光束重叠尺寸的增大而增大 ,其中扫描速度对淬硬层深的影响相对较大 ;在功率 (0 .9~ 1)kW ,扫描速度 2 0~ 30mm s ,光斑直径 3mm ,激光束重叠 1.0~ 1.5mm的工艺参数范围内 ,可获得不小于 0 .5mm的淬硬层深 ,表面硬度达HV10 95左右 ;此外还发现 ,激光淬火前用碳黑进行黑化处理 ,有可能在T10钢表层形成亚共晶组织。
The laser hardening of the T10 steel specimens has been carried out and the effects of laser hardening technical parameters on hardened depth are discussed.The results indicate that the hardened depth increases with the increase of laser power or overlap of dimension of laser beam and the decreasing scanning speed,and that the scanning speed is more important to hardened depth than laser power.In a range of laser technical parameters:laser beam diameter 3mm,laser power (0.9~1)kW,scanning speed 20~30mm/s,and overlap of dimension of laser beam 1.0~1.5mm,a definite hardened depth of T10 steel not less than 0.5mm can be obtained with the surface rigidity being about HV1095. Furthermore,when the laser hardening is carrying out it is possible that the sub eutectic can be formed on the T10 steel surface if carbon is used to black it.
Journal of Luoyang Institute of Technology
激光技术国家重点实验室开放基金资助项目 ( 2 0 0 1-0 110 )
河南省自然科学基金资助项目 ( 9840 40 90 0 )