现行国有企业职工工资应与企业效益脱钩 :是企业实现公平分配、劳动力市场实现公平交易的迫切需要 ,是贯彻生产力标准的迫切需要 ,是妥善处理国家、经营者、职工三者之间权责关系的迫切需要。职工工资与企业效益脱钩要落到实处 。
The abolishment of efficiency related wages system is the urgent requirements of allocating wages to workers and dealing in man power impartially,practicing the criterion of productivity,and handling properly the duty right relatonships between nation,enterprise,and workers.The key to the abolishment of efficiency related wages system is to change our mind.
Journal of Anqing Teachers College(Social Science Edition)