依据惯性效应理论对海港水厂斜管池、平流池的混合反应沉淀工艺进行常规技术强化改造。结果表明 ,斜管池改造后 ,反应时间由 2 5min缩短为 8 5min ,沉淀池负荷达 3 5mm/s以上。净产水量达到 10 0万m3 /d ,较原设计 (5 0万m3 /d)提高 10 0 % ,较原实际运行水量 (3 0万m3 /d)提高 2 30 % ,同时沉淀池出水控制在 3NTU以下。平流池改造后 ,反应时间由 35min缩短为 12 5min ,净产水量达到 5 5万m3 /d ,较原设计水量 (3 5万m3 /d)提高 5 7 1% ,同时沉淀池出水控制在 3NTU以下 ;改造后混凝剂单耗较改造前降低 30 %。实践表明 ,微涡旋的离心惯性效应是絮凝的动力学致因 ,以此为依据的涡旋混凝低脉动沉淀技术有效地改善了常规给水处理工艺的絮凝沉淀动力环境 ,并具有效率高、水质好、成本低的特点。
The chemical mixer and reactor of the inclined tubular and horizontal sedimentation tanks in Haigang Waterworks in Qinhuangdao City are reconstructed on the basis of inertia effects to enhance the water purification. Satisfying results have been obtained. The reaction time of tubular tank decreased to 8 5 min form former 25 min; the loading of sedimentation tank increased over 3.5 mm/s; the output increased to 100 000 m 3/d,and this is double of designed 50 000 m 3/d and 230% of the actual output before reconstruction (30 000 m 3/d). For the horizontal tank the reaction time decreased to 12 5 min form former 35 min, the output increased to 55 000 m 3/d, and this is 157 1% of designed 35 000 m 3/d. Meanwhile the turbidity of the output water is controlled below 2 NTU and the chemical consumption is reduced 30% than former. The fact says that the inertia effect of tiny vortex is the kinetics cause to flocculate and the Vortex Coagulation Low Pulsating Sedimentation Process based on this fact can effectively improve dynamical condition of flocculation and sedimentation in the general process. And this process can enhance the efficiency , improve the water quality and depress the operating cost.
Water & Wastewater Engineering