云南烟草丛枝症一直被认为是烟草丛枝病 ,其病原是植原体。由于生物学测定结果与植原体病害一般特性不尽相符 ,对云南烟草丛枝症的病原尚难以确定。我们对典型烟草丛枝症的原发病株和转接发病株按照检测植原体的方法提取DNA ,扩增病株中植原体 16SrDNA片段 ,在云南烟草丛枝症中没有检测到植原体的存在。在检测DNA提取物含量过程中 ,原发病株和转接发病株样品中检测出含量较高的RNA带 ,分子量约 0 8kb ;而健康烟株和枣疯病株中未检测出 ,由此说明云南烟草丛枝症的病原不是植原体 ,病株中检测出的RNA带是该病的病原还是感病后的诱导产物 ,有待进一步研究 ;RNA可作为室内鉴别烟草丛枝症的方法。在理论上证明烟蚜是烟草丛枝症的传播媒介 ,同时估计云南烟草丛枝症的病原是病毒 ,并与以往国内报道的烟草病毒病害不同 ,可能是一种新的病毒病害。
Tobacco witches broom is commonly recognized as tobacco witches-broom disease in Yunnan and the pathogen as phytoplasma.However, the pathogen of this disease is unconfirmed yet due to obvious difference between the results obtained by biological measurement and the common symptoms of diseases caused by phytoplasma.The DNA of typical witches broom plants infected naturally and artificially with phytoplasma were extracted according to the specifications specified in detecting phytoplasma procedure and amplified 16 S rDNA of phytoplasma from infected tobacco plants,and no phytoplasma was detected from Yunnan witches broom infected tobacco plants.During the DNA detecting process of raw extract from the natural infected and the artificial infected plants,we detected rather high content of RNA band with the molecule weight of about 0.8 kb;while we did not detected it from uninfected tobacco plants and jujube witches broom plants.This results explained that the pathogen of Yunnan tobacco witches broom is not phytoplasma.It should be studied further on whether the RNA band detected from the infected plants is the pathogen or the products of induction.The RNA could be used as a way of laboratory identifying the tobacco witches broom.Aphids have been identified theoretically as the transmission medium of tobacco witches broom.We estimated that the pathogen of Yunnan tobacco witches broom is a kind of virus which is not the same tobacco virus disease reported at home or abroad,it might be a new kind of virus disease.
Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences