以改良恢复系与不育系作不完全双列杂交 ,组配成 15个中矮秆类型杂交种。对杂交种单株产量、千粒重、穗粒数、株高、穗长、叶面积、开花期、成熟期 8个性状的杂种优势进行了研究 ,同时采用相关分析和通径分析法进行产量构成因素分析。结果表明 :(1)不同性状杂种优势的大小在组合间的分布各不相同。可将组合的分布分为两大类 ,即中亲值类型和超高亲类型。 (2 )相关分析表明 ,开花期、成熟期、穗长、千粒重、穗粒数与产量呈正相关 ,而叶面积、株高与产量呈负相关。 (3)通径分析表明 ,对产量贡献较大的是千粒重和穗粒数。以这些性状作为选择指标直接选择 ,并协调好与穗长的关系 ,可以选育出高产杂交种。
By comparing 8 agronomic characters including grain yield per plant, kilo kernel weight, kernel numbers per plant, plant height, panicle length , leaf area, days to flowering and days to maturity, this paper studied the heterosis of 15 middle short stalked sorghum hybrids derived from an incomplete diallel cross. It also made a study of the yield component factors of the hybrids mentioned above by analyzing their genetic correlations and path coefficients. The results are as follows:(1)Heterosis analysis indicated that heterosis was different in different characters. It can be classified into two types: heterosis of average and heterosis of high parent.(2)Genetic correlation analysis showed that grain yield per plant was positively correlated with the characters of days to flowering,days to maturity, kernel numbers per plant,panicle length and kilo kernel weight, but negatively correlated with plant height and leaf area (3)Path coefficient analysis showed that kernel numbers per plant and kilo kernel weight made greater contribution to grain yield. Based on these characters and a consideration of their relationship with panic length, high yield hybrid seeds could be selected.
Journal of Jilin Agricultural University