因特网作为信息时代的载体 ,已渗透到我们社会的各个方面。在我国外语教学中 ,因特网作 为一种崭新的教学手段已获得了初步发展和成功运行。本文分析了报刊选读课教学的现状 ,探讨了因特网网 络辅助教学的应用 。
The Internet,as a carrier of the present information time, has filtered through every aspect of our society and has been initially developed and successfully operated as a new means of the foreign language teaching in China.This paper introduces the present teaching situation of the Selected Reading Course of Foreign Newspapers and Magazines, discusses the application of the Internet as an aided means to the course and points out its advantages.
Journal of Wenzhou Teachers College(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)